We like this as a treat in our evening feed, thank you
Great thanks
I like and love the millet at the same time. I would perfair the millet on the stocks in petshops, but with it being hulled frim TidyMixDiets the millet is handy to mix in with seed. DityMixDiets is fresher too and hulled without the dust like in petshops so it does have its excellent points. I use both to be honest as the TidyMixedDiet hulled millet is great to be added to the seedmix and I buy the millet with stocks to hang up just for a bit of extra fun. I wouldn’t be without TidyMixDiet Millet and its great its already in the seed mix too.
A great product my birds love and no mess. But it.
These are great our African grey loves them even though they are small.